Order Contacts in Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, & Upland

Book Appointment

Choose the brand of contacts lenses you wear from the office you were last seen below to reorder your contacts at the same pricing as you get from our office in person.  Please feel free to test or call our offices if you have any questions.

Fontana Optometric

Optometric Group of Rancho Cucamonga

Optometric Group of Upland

Our Locations

Fontana Optometric Group

Find us on the corner of Juniper Ave and Seville Ave. We offer plenty of parking right next to our building, with accessibility options available.

  • 8381 Juniper Ave #100
  • Fontana, CA 92335

*Closed 12:00PM – 1:30PM for lunch

Optometric Group of Upland

Find us on E. Arrow Highway, near the San Antonio Regional Hospital. We have a small parking lot behind our building for your convenience.

  • 1095 E. Arrow Hwy
  • Upland, CA 91786

*Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

Optometric Group of Rancho Cucamonga

Find us in the Vineyards Marketplace right off the Foothill Freeway. Take the exit onto Milliken Ave and turn left onto Kenyon Way. We offer plenty of parking out front.

  • 11460 Kenyon Way #107
  • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701

*Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

Optometric Group of Upland Downtown

Find us on N. 2nd Ave between E. 9th St. and E. A St. just south of the Gazebo in beautiful downtown Upland. You can park on 2nd Ave in front of the office, or we have a parking lot behind our building for your convenience.

  • 155 N 2nd Ave
  • Upland, CA 91786

*Closed 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch.

Fontana Reviews

Upland Reviews

Rancho Reviews

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